Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fat and Happy

Well semi-retirement is nice and relaxed! Been fat and happy for a while and getting the itch to ride, run and even swim. Been doing some riding, very minimal mileage, but it is nice to get out even in the blistering heat. I am getting on the P90X bandwagon (again) modified until November, when I will do the full program as my off-season or return-to-racing preparation for next summer. What has happened since my last entry is quite astounding. Without the pressures of race preparation and relaxed nature of working out 3 to 4 times per week, I am finding that some "fun" is beginning to enter back into exercise. I also visited the Endo and my A1C is coming back into line (7.3 sown from 8.3) Still a YIKES, but moving in the right direction! Finally, as I continue in my semi-retirement, I will be passing along my best wishes to those who are passing me on the road as the prep for their upcoming races.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Well it is time to day good-bye to racing for now. Over the past 2 seasons, I haven't been able to muster the strength and motivation to train seriously for a race and I decided to retire from competitive racing for the time being. As I enter into semi-retirement, I am committed to making a comeback in the future. I will be updating this blog from time to time just to waste some of my new found free time.....