Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Filling Newspaper space

Here's the link to my 15 seconds of fame:

I appreciated the opportunities the Triabetes project has offered me and being able to work the press to draw attention, albeit large or small, seem important. I was very happy the reporter talked with Michelle and Nate, as this fulfilled my desire for the article to be more about Triabetes than me.

1 comment:

Brickhead said...

Not just filling space, my friend - very cool article - this is great. Hey - I had forgotten that you were leaving early and felt terrible that I didn't get to say goodbye - I really loved hanging out with you again - its somewhat crazy to think that we have at least one other time we'll meet (hopefully more) - that being in September. The stuff I learned at DTC and being around you and Anne and Peter and Bill pretty much saved me. You're an inspiration, dude - see you soon.