Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today starts another week of big volume training. With the bike being the focus, Coach Dave has me in a zombie-like state yet gaining the necessary confidence to tow the start line. My Iron-mares (Ironman Nightmares) have begun to haunt my sleep. Questions concerning did I bring the right gear, is that really my bike? (A beach cruiser), running in bare feet, are just some of the nightmares. The reality is I encountered a real-life Iron-nightmare in 2006 at the Great Floridian. The residue of the preparation deficits, my lack of mental focus, my physical issues haunt me as I prepare this year. I scares me and motivates me at the same time. My take home lesson is that no matter how great or poorly I prepare, respecting the distance and race is of vital importance. As I work my way into this weeks training, I am keeping thing into perspective. Only 40 more days til race day, respect the 140.6!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve, glad to hear the training forges on. Although I don't get to see you through work anymore, I wanted you to know that I am proud of your race accomplishments and wish you luck in your training! Keep up the good work. Your discipline, determination, and commitment are something to admire. -Colleen