Friday, January 30, 2009

Here we Go Steelers Here we Go and Coach Dave

As a lifelong Steeler fan, I am excited about this weekend. A team who sticks to the plan and through thick and thin stays the course. In my lifetime, I have only know of 3 Steeler Head Coaches, while many teams have had as many in the past 5 years. The take home lesson is that consistency and keeping one's goals in focus provides a pathway for success. Ironman racing is similar. It is easy to be persuaded to do the in-thing as far as training. A New wage training regime, using the newest techno gadget all are not substitutes for putting in the time and effort of training. I realised in training for Wisconsin, there was no substitute. It was my body that propelled me over the course. My result was the product of my training and focus on getting to the starting line. What I realized too was that these are also the lessons of Coach Dave!

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