Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time Has Past

It has been awhile since I contributed to my blog. Since being sick, I have restarted training with what I would call my efforts about a grade B. Some struggles, some really good work outs, but overall satisfied with my progression. I do feel ahead of the game as compared to last year, but overall that isn't saying much. Did have a slight hiccup when my Eagleman entry was not showing up and resolved swiftly(within 1 hour after my initial email to them!) by Columbia Triathlon Association who directs the race.

I am excited about camp, as I primarily train alone. I am looking forward to meeting team members who I have had e-contact with and those who I met. Denise says this will be one of the only time she will not be a nervous about me traveling since most everyone is there with the same medical issues! I am looking forward to learning about some of the missing pieces that will enable me to maximize my training and racing with diabetes.

Finally, the multi-sport season is a little over a month away. As I prep for Brandywine Du, I reflect on du is where I started all of this madness. I recall my first du in December, 1998, rainy, cold and just down right miserable. Denise pushing Brianna around in our jogging stroller, and suffering through the day! I remember, the excitement of doing the first run then getting onto my bike, I also remember taking it out way too fast and suffering on the final 2 laps of the bike course (6 laps of a 2 mile course) and the heaviness of my legs on the final run. When it was over I was hooked, but never imagined tarting training for 4 Ironman races, starting 3 and finishing 2. I also never imagined drawing so much attention to our cause of "Anything is Possible- even with diabetes." I am so stoked and going out for my run!

One final new thing, I will be posting in my articles of interest, my workouts and also post Denise;s as she is training for an OLY distance tri in May.

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