Thursday, April 10, 2008


Just felt like blogging instead of working out this morning. In keeping with my training, I really began looking at things a bit differently. When all is said and done, it is me who effects the outcome. I am responsible for how I execute training, my nutrition plan, and approach race day. I think all too often I can fall into the trap, "well if I didn't go low or I my blood sugar is too high." I am stupid but not stupid enough to believe there are many intangibles in working with my disease, but there is so much that I can work with to limit those problems. When I DNF'd the Great Floridian, I was the one responsible for my sub-par training, my horrific nutrition plan leading up to race day, my challenges on the bike course and ultimately my 563 blood sugar. Fear of failure and blaming this result on other matters really is a temporary fix, but ultimate responsibility lies on me. I was fortunate to hear a long time well respected member of my community, George Giese, speak last night that resonated with me as he talked about his "senses."
1. Sense of Responsibility- doing the training, following a sound nutrition plan, managing blood sugars as best as possible, understanding my trends, representing Triabetes
2. Sense of Humor- After all it is just a race! Don't take myself so seriously
3. Sense of Pride- Triabetes is a worthy cause, it is a calling.
4. Common Sense- I will do what I can to effect a positive outcome within my God given abilities

This fellow who did this talk gave me my break early in my professional career and set me up for future success. I am deeply indebted to George once again as he has kept me up all night last night re-thinking things in my life, but also give me an opportunity and framework to take on this challenge.

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