Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Moment

As I sat around this morning after working out, I decided to check out the Triabetes Google group discussion pages to see what is happening (http://groups.google.com/group/race_with_triabetes?hl=en ) and saw the official program of the project. Thought to myself wow, despite my age being younger than I am I was really hit emotionally. This is really happening! I am so humbled to be surrounded by my teammates as they are all extraordinary people! I began questioning my worthiness of such an honor. I am a fortunate person on so many levels and at times can take the goodness that I experience for granted. As I read the bio's, I was very inspired to do what is necessary to get to the start in September. I served as a reminder that lives already have been touched and transformed! Then it hit me, my daughter, Brianna, wants to race an Ironman with me. Those close to me know I love my kids more than anything, yet I continue to question myself whether I am a good father. Then it sunk in as it seems that my baby girl is inspired by her Dad.

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