Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Musings- Podcasts

What was working out like before the Sony Walkman? Well I can remember this as I was cutting weight for wrestling and running miles on miles bundled up to lose that last bit of weight! Can you say boring? The the Walkman came out, that huge bulky tape player that made those runs a bit more manageable, but also got a nice upper body workout carrying that thing. Fast Forward to now, we have mp3 players. And I have moved into the 2008's as I found podcasts. Typically I used my mp3 player to carry my favorite power songs to help me through a workout, but this year I have been doing things differently. I began listening to podcasts I have been listening to these on my computer and sometime downloaded them to a CD and listen in my car, but running or on the bike trainer, no way. I was even on a podcast a few years ago, EndurancePlanet, September 15, 2005, but never thought to download and workout while listening. But that all changed, I began downloading my favorites, Simply Stu (from Madison area ) and the Extra Mile Podcast, and Endurance Planet (not so much recently). What I found in listening that not only do podcast talk about the sports I love, but they are like me! I love the Extra Mile's updates as the runners talk about their running, times, struggles, life and I can totally relate. Yesterday in particular, I was listening to a contribution on the Extra Mile of a fellow in Sweden who was running at paces I can relate to. Before I knew it I made the turnaround fop my run and was back at my front door step. Pretty cool!

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